this weekend was...
ABSOLUTELY INSANE!!!!!! friday was off the wall with the make and takes and the coupon we had....saturday was crazy from the moment we opened until we closed....sunday went by like the blink of an eye and now its monday!
ok this post is gonna be mostly unscrap related, but i am so excited about it, i'm just telling everyone!!! my concert on friday was a blast!!!! i went with a few of my friends to see "Taking Back Sunday"
here are my friends Reo and Kainoa:
and katrina. katrina is the one who bought my ticket; i was so loving her that night!
then after the show was done i got to meet some of the band!!!! here's the bass player, Matt Rubano. he plays bass so well, i just loved watching him play!
and the singer Adam Lazzara! i cant believe i got to meet him! it was so awesome! he has such a great stage presence, he is super funny, very lively and excited but in person he came off quite shy. i thought it was very endearing! i love this picture so much, i swear i must have looked at it a million times since friday! i cant wait to scrap it!