Croppy Crop!
Okay, well lets see...this was one action PACKED weekend i tell you! first, we had a class on Friday (that fall themed layout class) it was so much fun! Everyone left with such beautiful layouts!
Then was Saturday. We had our canned food drive that day. It turned out ok, we got some great donations! I also got a chance to re-arrange the store that day, i love it! New blog, why not have a new store layout? so heck yes! i re-arranged! and then there was CROP!
the crop was so great! i had a really really really good time! 6 hours of talking story, scrapping and plain old goofing around! i got a lot done actually. i havent felt that motivated in a while. its really amazing how being around crafty people can make you inspired to do so much! like many of you, i aspire to use my stash and i finally got a lot closer because of that awesome crop. also, thank jeebus that we are next to a starbucks because let me tell you, there is nothing quite like having their **awesome** pumpkin spice latte at 10pm! ok picture time!
work in progress!
This is Nicole. Nicole won some awesome stuff. She won it from the Scrapbook Heaven Croppy Crop. (hahaha, that sounded so "see spot run" right? i think so...) Nicole was working on her disney album too. She had one of those albums you buy at disney land, man i was so jealous! i really wanted one of those when we went, but i talked myself out of it :( Her book was really really cool!
I love our customers! they always make such awesome stuff!
Group Shot! left to right is Nicole, Carol, Nana, Natalie, Maegan and EmilieAn. Those are all the goodies they from us (hooray for goodies!) These are the ladies that ended up staying till midnight! That is one heck of a graveyard shift huh?
mom. and me. falling asleep. burning the midnight oil. after our long, awesome scrapbook-y day. yay for crops! let's do it again! We are soooooo having more crops! they are just too much fun! i love croppy crops! hip hip hooray!
So i've been forgetting to do this, but i'm going to take some pictures of the projects i've been working on and put them up here. a bunch of people have been asking, but i suffer from horrible brain flatulence and i can never remember to bring home our camera! so look forward to my pictures!
We just placed an order for some stuff. album and adhesives mostly. we had some special order items in there and i know we also have new stuff coming too. as soon as we get those things, i will let you folks know through the blog.
alright! thats all for now! enjoy! ooh, but while i'm at it...did you guys catch the premiers for Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy? or the ones for Desparate Housewives, Brothers and sisters? THEY WERE AMAZING!