thats what you get when you let your heart win

hey! i've been really busy for the last couple of days! we got in a bunch of new stuff and we are still waiting for lots more!

we sent out an email earlier this week, and we got a great response! i guess many of you have noticed that we are doing a lot more with classes this month, along with a couple of really cool crops. if you didnt really get how these crops work, allow me to explain: you pay the $5 to reserve your seat for the crop, when you arrive at the scheduled crop, you get $5 in store credit to use that evening! cool huh?

for our blog, i installed a system called Intese Debate. it works with the comments mostly, and it helps me keep better contact with you! if you leave a comment, you will notice that it asks for email, that way when i reply to your comment, you get an email with my message attached! you should check it out!

i had a picture for you. it was a pretty picture of what to expect for my love frames class. but blogger is not letting me upload the picture. *sniff sniff* i can try again tomorrow i guess....i really wanted to show you too, drat!

i must hele, so i will talk to you later!

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