ive got a feeling

hi! how are you? good? thats good! how many of you are familiar with eggsactly? A friend of ours makes these gorgeous eggs and he posts them on his website. He does them to order, and he works very closely with the customer so that each egg is deeply personal and one of a kind.
using all kinds of eggs, from goose to ostrich he dies each egg by hand! depending on the design, these eggs can take anywhere from 3 to 80 hours of labor! so why am i telling you about these eggs? well we were lucky enough to get our friend to teach an egg class here at the store! we are currently putting our August schedule together, so be on the lookout for that email!
so what else is up? its raining....and rain is kinda sad....but if you think about it, the rain is good because then all the beautiful flora and fauna that make our aina so great get watered and nourished! gosh...lets not talk about the weather, thats a topic reserved for small talk between aquaintances! and lets face it, we're more than that!!!
today is saturday, and i have a crop tonight! it feels like forever since we've had one! crops are one of my favorite things to do here at Scrapbook Heaven because not only do you get to finish your scrappy projects, but it gives me a chance to hang out with you guys and check out your style one and one!
we still have a couple of seats left, so let me know if you wanna come! its $5 and its from 6pm to midnight.

i have to get to work, so i'll see you later! also, if you havent checked your email yet, why not? theres a goodie in it!

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